Current Students

Tory Taylor

Tory is a doctoral student in the Management PhD program at UNR. Her current research projects surround how people behave and interact with others in their work environments, particularly with respect to discretionary information sharing. In particular, Tory is interested in understanding why and how employees ‘speak up’ or ‘stand up’ for what they believe—and what affect that might have in organizations. Other research projects center on organizational learning, social norms, and best practices in methodology and the use of technology in academia and management practice, including AI and online survey platforms.

Paola Alvarez

Paola is an undergraduate student majoring in Psychology with a minor in HRM at UNR and she hopes to pursue a graduate degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Working with Dr. Hanna as part of the McNair scholars program, she recently received a research grant from UNR to study how different generations of job seekers tend to value career advancement opportunities and respond to recruitment. Paola is also interested in workplace diversity, intersectionality, and organizational agility.

Lab Affiliates

Nazli Mohammad

Nazli is a doctoral student in the Management PhD program at UNR, and she holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from UNR. With eight years of professional experience as an international project manager and sales manager, she brings a diverse background to her research. Nazli’s research interests include leadership, decision-making, corporate social responsibility, self- and other-compassion in the workplace, mindfulness-based interventions, and career success. She collaborates with the lab on topics related to career decisions and research methods. Outside of academia, Nazli enjoys nature, hiking, and is a certified Yoga Alliance teacher.

Edit Szabo

Edit is entering her final year of the Management PhD program at UNR, and she also holds a doctorate in Psychology from the University of Pecs. She primarily studies personality, social perception and manipulation, and conflict management in organizations. Edit shares overlapping interest with the ARC lab’s emphasis on individual differences, and she collaborates with the lab on multiple projects, including a meta-analysis of dark personality and experimental manipulations. 

Kileigh Smith

Kileigh is a doctoral student in the Management PhD program at UNR. Kileigh’s research interests are in small groups and teams, specifically collective information processing and group decision-making. She is also interested in gender backlash in the workplace. Kileigh collaborates with the lab on topics related to research methods, particularly scale development and advanced statistical modeling, as well as overlapping interest in diversity and inclusion efforts.

Lab Alumni

Mengyue Fan

Mengyue graduated from the Management PhD program in May 2024 at UNR. She studies person-environment fit, leadership, and personality. Mengyue is especially interested in non-traditional career paths and work modalities, such as telework and gig work, and how fit translates to workers’ well-being and performance. Mengyue also conducts advanced methods and data analytics, such as scale development, multi-group structural equation modeling, and bootstrapped effect estimation.

Heather Mooney

Heather successfully defended her dissertation in the summer of 2024. She is interested in recruitment and selection strategies, particularly how organizations and job applicants interact throughout the recruitment and hiring phases. Within this realm, Heather’s dissertation studies how women and racial/ethnic minority applicants react to different recruitment strategies and progress through recruitment and hiring phases at different rates than men and White applicants. Additionally, she addresses how organizations manage their applicant pools and whether certain data management strategies inadvertently screen out minority applicants.